If you want to get in touch with us this is how to do it! Leave a message below and we'll get back to you.
We are excited to have you with us at DUCC! Click here to find out how you can become more connected and stay up to date with what is happening here!
Did you make a decision to follow or rededicate your life to Jesus Christ today? We want to celebrate with you! Fill out the form below so that we can connect with you and help you with your next steps!
Do you know you’re not meant to walk through life alone? By joining or leading a Small Group, you can better grow in your walk with Christ as well as build much-needed community.
One of our house habits is Attitude of Gratitude, which means we believe in setting aside time to stop and thank God for His goodness and faithfulness with whatever gratitudes you may have!
If you want to get in touch with us this is how to do it! Leave a message below and we'll get back to you.